Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Do You Hate Sarah Palin?

Progressives in this country have a visceral hatred for Sarah Palin that defies logic. It is remeniscint of the Bush Deragement Syndrome that still afflicts the Obama Administration. Just yesterday, November 19, the Secretary of the Treasury tried to blame the continuing decline of economic activity on President Bush. They are such children to blame all their failures on somebody else.

The hatred for Sarah Palin cannot be related to anything she has done on a national level because she has done nothing outside the state of Alaska. Do you hate her for what she accomplished for the citizens of Alaska? She tore down the good ol' boy club the Republicans were running in Juneau. She muscled more royalty payments from the oil companies and passed it on to the citizens of Alaska. She successfully negotiated a treaty to bring natural gas from Alaska to the rest of the United States through Canada.

Perhaps you hate her because she talks funny. Hope you are not one of those diversity freaks who believes that diversity is our greatest strength and ebonics should be an official language. It is interesting that even with her unfamiliar inflections she is still a very articulate person. It is impossible to missunderstand her. Best of all, she would never be so rude as to suggest that you talk funny.

Do you hate her because she is beautiful? She is an attractive middle aged mother of five who has spent a lot of time outdoors in a harsh environment; yet she remains quite attractive without resorting to exotic mud treatments, botox, or cosmetic surgery. Apparently nothing is more appealing than confidence, clean living, and an active lifestyle.

Is your hatred based on her education from a state university? The current occupant (of the White House) has a degree from Harvard University. Surely we must elect the smartest people possible who graduated from the best universities. Of course, the current occupant has never actually gotten his hands dirty and someone else paid for his college degree. Ms. Palin not only paid for her education by working; she is not afraid to wait tables, chop wood, or work a commercial fishing boat.

Pro choice people hate her because she did not abort Trig when she could. After all, when you have the right to choose you are not allowed to choose life. Especially when you give life to a person who is differently abled. What is the point of being able to use science to identify less than perfect persons if you cannot select those persons out for the betterment of society? That is why we must have smart people control every aspect of society.

You need to do some serious soul searching. Why do you hate Sarah Palin? Her harshest critics have never answered this question; therefore one must conclude that it is a mental illness like Bush Derangement Syndrome. People who suffer from BDS are at risk of contracting Palin Derangement Syndrome.

If you are unable to answer the question, "Why do you hate Sarah Palin" rationally; then perhaps you should stop watching and reading the main stream media. Time to take a vacation and ask yourself "What are my values? What do I stand for? What are my priorities?" Once you have satisfactory answers to these questions you will be in a position to change your behavior to reflect those values and priorities.

Then you will be thinking for yourself. You will be able to discern what people say and one day discover that you have been freed from slavery to PDS.

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