Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not All Faiths are the Same

On November 5, I got into my car to drive home from a meeting and heard the news that someone had opened fire at Ft. Hood TX. They reported 9 persons dead and at least 28 injured. My first thought was "The religion of peace strikes again".

I teach preventing workplace violence and marvel at the fact that these incidents have lots of warning. People don't get up in the morning and say, "Hmm.. This is a good day to kill someone." They always give plenty of warning that they are unstable, unhappy, and may eventually resort to acts of violence. We teach employees to be alert for these signs and to report them so that these events may be prevented. Maj. Hasan is no exception. Based on what has been reported it would seem that Maj. Hasan gave plenty of indication that he would resort to homicidal violence. However, in our politically correct culture, nobody did anything to intervene because they didn't want to be accused of discrimination.

Now, thirteen people are dead because nobody wanted to offend Maj Hassan or followers of the prophet. There are apologists worldwide who will go out of their way to argue that all faiths are equivalent and this was just a misguided person. Bullarky! All faiths are NOT equivalent and we need to learn how to discern life affirming beliefs from life destroying beliefs. We need to stand up to those who would tyrannize in the name of religion, or government, or anything else.

The first amendment to the Constitution states that 'Congress shall make no law establishing religion or the free expression thereof'. I would never suggest that any religion, however loony, should be outlawed simply because it is not life affirming. Conversely, I strenuously object when the government tells a student that they cannot pray publicly at their own graduation.

Compare how Maj Hasan's faith has shaped his worldview with the worldview of my friend, Maj. X. Maj Hassan is a middle aged Muslim and strenuously objected to being sent to Afghanistan to fulfill his contractual obligation to the US Military. Maj Hasan taught that Islam means 'submission' and demands dogmatic obedience. Islam teaches that violence is an acceptable means to get persons to confess faith in the prophet. Islam allows the faithful to tax nonbelievers into subjection. Maj Hasan has publicly stated that Muslims love death more than you love life. (Link)

Maj. X is a Christian who has also been called into active duty to be deployed to Afghanistan. He is middle aged and not excited about entering a war zone; but he recognizes his obligation to fulfill the terms of his contract with the Military. Christianity teaches that God wants all, even Maj Hasan, to come to salvation through faith. Christianity teaches that all people are created in the image of God. We are all free in Christ and the fruits of the Spirit include peace and self-control. Jesus has tasked Christians to go out and make disciples (students) of all the world, not kill them.

It is ludicrous to say that a philosophy of death is equivalent to a philsophy of life. Our nation is ill served by people who are so afraid of giving offense that they refuse to recognize evil when they see it. We must reject moral equivalency and moral relativism to return to the values and principles that made our country great. Failing that will destroy our freedom and our prosperity.

The choice is yours.

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