Friday, June 18, 2010

Big Government vs Big Oil

Government employees are paid to not make decisions. Remember your last trip to renew your driver’s license or get a license plate for your car? Remember the frustration you had because some form was not filled out to the satisfaction of the person on the other side of the counter? Ever tried to board an airplane when the name on your photo ID was not identical to the name on the boarding pass?

The sole motivation of all government employees is to preserve their pension. The greatest risk to their pension is when they do something that is outside the strict verbiage of policy. If a government employee makes a decision and something happens to attract the attention of their supervisor or, God forbid, their supervisor’s supervisor; then their next promotion and the associated increased pension payout are in jeopardy. Therefore, a government employee will not make a decision.

The governor of Louisiana asked for permission to dredge a berm to protect the shore and the Federal government said, “We will study this.” Fifty five days later the permit was approved after crude oil had flooded onto the Louisiana shore. Over a dozen foreign countries and foreign companies have offered to help clean up the spill and the government said, "No, this will require a waiver from the United States Maritime Administration". (Details)

Big companies in general and oil companies in particular are very jealous of their processes and procedures. As a rule they will not adopt any process that is Not Invented Here (NIH).

Kevin Costner proposed utilizing his prototype oil recovery system and British Petroleum said, “Sorry, it is Not Invented Here”. A couple of amateurs have produced a YouTube video of a process to trap oil floating on the water using hay. Again, BP chuckled but declined their offer of help because it was (you guessed it) Not Invented Here.

Meanwhile, crude oil continues to spew into the Gulf of Mexico.

The President has said that he has personally been focused on this incident from the beginning. Many people don’t think that is true because he did nothing nor said anything useful. I disagree.

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste and what I mean by that is it gives you an opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before.” Rahm Emmanuel; White House Chief of Staff.

I believe the President was waiting for the pictures of oil soaked birds to saturate the media. The loss of 11 persons and a $500 million platform is certainly a tragedy; but it is not a crisis.

When you are a hammer; everything looks like a nail. When you are trained as a lawyer; every problem is addressed with litigation. The first response from the White House was to encourage all the people affected to sue BP. The White House has threatened criminal prosecution.

Meanwhile, crude oil continues to spew into the Gulf of Mexico.

On April 19 it was unthinkable to suggest the government should take over oil companies. Now, two months later, pictures of oil soaked wildlife are being shown on TV, the newspapers, and the internet every day. Everyone from the bartender at the airport to my son, who should know better, is calling for the government to take over BP.

The White House and a number of congresspersons have suggested that BP be required to place billions of dollars into a separate escrow account.

Question: When are these pillars of fiscal responsibility going to place $109,000 billion into a separate escrow account to fund my, and your, unfunded social security and medicare liabilities?

Congressman Barton has it right. The White House shook down BP for $20 billion. It appears this separate account will be administered by the Executive Branch. Kind of a slush fund to benefit select friends of Obama.

Meanwhile, crude oil continues to spew into the Gulf of Mexico.

“I’m telling you this liberal is about, uh, socializing.......... uh, is about........basically, taking over the oil companies” Congresswoman Maxine Waters, D-CA.

The Obama administration has utilized three separate crises to take over the financial industry, two automobile manufacturers, and the health care industry. This shakedown is the first step to taking over BP. BP is not a US company so that makes it problematic; but a few more oily birds should make it possible for him to pull it off. Who is going to stop him?

Bonus: The government has placed a moratorium on all offshore drilling. This will force tens of thousands of families to be largely dependent upon the Federal government for survival. The cap and trade legislation will distribute thousands of billions of dollars from every person to a select group of politically connected traders through the Chicago Climate Exchange.

And crude oil continues to spew into the Gulf of Mexico.

1 comment:

  1. Sooner or later, enough people will figure out what is going on. The question is, will it be soon enough? Or will it be too late?
